
Gaming Hardware Vendor Razer Distributes Infected Driver Update

Computerworld reports that gaming peripherals vendor Razer unwittingly distributed a trojan horse program with the driver software on their web site.

The article quotes Trend Micro as having found the threat, specifically WORM.ASPXOR.AB, in the driver download. The servers may have been hacked, or the files could have been places through a compromise of other Razer systems. The files seem to have been online for a few days.

Trend states that WORM.ASPXOR.AB has very low detection rates, specifically 7 out of 41 vendors, indicating that it is based on a VirusTotal scan. As the article points out, gamers often shut off anti-virus protection in an effort to squeeze out ever last bit of performance from their systems. This episode is yet another reason why that's a bad idea.

Hat tip to ThreatPost.

